习家父子那些年 | 父亲对儿子的影响有多高?
2015/1/6 牛弹琴




     其父其子:Like father Like Son今天,小英要介绍的英语成语是“Like father, like son."其父其子Like Father, Like SonFathers and sons resemble each other, and sons tend to do what their fathers did before them. This ancient proverb sometimes appeared with a counterpart, like mother, like daughter.























     Dreams From Xi Jinping's FatherIn the summer of 1943, a fresh-faced student leader, recently dispatched to the town of Suide in northeast China, caught the eye of its local Communist Party Secretary. “He was walking downhill and I was walking uphill, and when I saw him, all I could do was perform a nervous army salute,” Qi Xin, the student leader, recounted later.


     By that winter, as acquaintance grew into courtship, the cadre, Xi Zhongxun, would ask the seventeen-year-old Qi to marry him, though not before requesting of his young bride a confession-style “autobiography” first. The fifty-five-year-long marriage that resulted survived decades of political unrest, and produced Xi Jinping.二人感情升温,从点头之交到开始追求,到了冬天,习就向17岁的齐心求婚了,尽管此前还是要求新娘子写了“自供书”。二人相濡以沫五十五年,期间经历了数十载的政治风波,还孕育了习近平。

    Born in 1953, four years after the declaration of the People’s Republic, Xi spent his early years as the son of the Vice-Premier, living in vermilion-walled Zhongnanhai.习近平生于中华人民共和国成立4年后,幼年随作为副总理的父亲生活在中南海红墙内。From the tinted windows of his father’s chauffeured sedan, the war-torn Republic outside his gated home must have looked as strange as a foreign country.从父亲专车的茶色玻璃中,满目疮痍的共和国和自己有哨兵站岗的家想必判若两国。

     But when Xi turned nine, his father fell out of favor with his former colleague Mao. As a result, when the Cultural Revolution began four years later, Xi was dispatched to one of China’s poorest provinces, Shaanxi, where for seven years he made a life out of brick beds and raw-grain gruel.但习近平九岁时,父亲就失宠了。文化大革命开始四年后,习近平被发往中国最穷的省份之一陕西劳动,在这里的七年间,他睡土炕,吃粗粮。...It makes Xi the kind of man who has something in common with our President. Both men have been shaped by their fathers’ experiences—and their experiences with their fathers—though in very different ways.……习近平有点向我们的总统奥巴马。他们都受父亲个人经历以及与父亲共同生活的影响,尽管影响非常不同。

     Obama devoted a book to a father he only knew for a month; Xi has rarely discussed his own—a man who made his name as a revolutionary father of China, fell from political grace, recovered, and went on to implement some of China’s most liberal economic policies.奥巴马为仅认识几个月的父亲著书一本;习却很少谈到父亲:共和国的国父,失势又再起,在中国实行了一些最自由主义的经济政策。

     Xi senior passed away in 2004. A recent Washington Post article about Xi’s past mentions the story of his father meeting his family after years of solitary confinement and being unable to recognize his children.习仲勋2004年离世。华盛顿邮报文章说,习回忆了父亲在被幽禁数年后,与家人相见时认不出自己子女的往事。The moment prompted him to recite lines from a Tang poem known to all Chinese grade-schoolers:这时习回忆起一首中国小学生都会背诵的唐诗。

     “Coming back to my home village after years of absence,My brows have grayed though my accent remains unchanged.Children who meet me don’t recognize me.Laughingly, they ask about the village where I have come from.”“少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。儿童相见不相识,笑问客从何处来。”




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