2018/1/3 丁香园


     这里是丁香园「医周一句 · Clinical Pearls」栏目的第 23 期,也是 2018 年的第 1 期节目。今天我们要讨论的话题是男人和女人谁对达尔文进化论贡献更大?


     这可不是胡扯,而是发表在著名医学大刊 BMJ 上面的一篇文章,不仅如此,它还统计了为达尔文进化作出贡献更多的是男人还是女人,让我们来看看原文是如何描述的:

     Winners of the Darwin Award must die in such an idiotic manner that 「their action ensures the long-term survival of the species, by selectively allowing one less idiot to survive.」

     For instance, Darwin Awards are unlikely to be awarded to individuals who shoot themselves in the head while demonstrating that a gun is unloaded. This occurs too often and is classed as an accident.

     In contrast, candidates shooting themselves in the head to demonstrate that a gun is loaded may be eligible for a Darwin Award—such as the man who shot himself in the head with a 「spy pen」 weapon to show his friend that it was real.

     Of these 318 cases, 282 Darwin Awards were awarded to males and just 36 awards given to females. There is a marked sex difference in Darwin Award winners.

     Males thus made up 88.7% of Darwin Award winners, and this sex difference is highly statistically significant.


     下了定义后,作者总结了近 20 年来因「作死自己」而获得「达尔文奖」这一「殊荣」的男女比例,结果表明:男人比起女人更爱「作死」自己!男人的获奖率远超女人,为人类的进化作出了更大的贡献!

     这是发表在 BMJ 上的一篇有趣的圣诞特刊,看看老外是如何用严谨的科研思维一本正经的胡说八道还登上顶级医学期刊。





     Lendrem BA, Lendrem DW, Gray A, Isaacs JD. The Darwin Awards: sex differences in idiotic behavior. BMJ.2014;349: g7094

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