【Daily Stat】生日过后,你会更有行动力
2014/8/12 哈佛商业评论

     Andrew O’Connell |文

     在生日过后、每周、每月每年或每学期刚开始时,正是人们乐于锻炼的时候,分别高出基准线7%,33%,14%,11%和47%。在这些临时时间坐标上,人们更容易为理想开始行动。这一研究结论是沃顿商学院的Hengchen Dai,Katherine L. Milkman和 Jason Riis得出的。在一系列研究中,他们找到了证据:这些时间坐标形成了新的“精神计数时段”,能在心理上令人产生远离昔日坏习惯的距离感。(刘铮筝/编译)

     People are more likely to exercise after a birthday or the start of a week, month, year, or semester (7%, 33%, 14%, 11%, and 47%, respectively, relative to baseline), suggesting that temporal landmarks make it easier to engage in aspirational behavior, say Hengchen Dai, Katherine L. Milkman, and Jason Riis of The Wharton School. In a series of studies, the researchers found evidence that these landmarks create new “mental accounting periods” that psychologically distance the present self from its past imperfections.

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