2014/4/8 健康养生



     健康养生微信号:jkys-vip揭示生命奥秘,传播养生真谛!关注养生,百病不生!如果您是珍惜生命、热爱 生活的人群,请关注养生公共平台!全球唯一真正整体身、心、灵合一的养生密法!让人类远离疾病与灾难!




     When two people together for a long time, the female will be more in love with men, men more casually. Men would say women are always make blind and disorderly conjectures, women say men have changed less spoiled her... In fact,everybody has not changed, only the time changed, because the relationship has become close to each other, used to each other, so don't like love, so women willdream, in any case not to love to be lazy, otherwise only dull and contradictions quarrel to break up.



     2、在你想要放弃的那一刻,想想为什么当初坚持走到了这里 。

     At the moment when you wanna give up, think about why you have come here.




     Two people quarrel, first say sorry and not give up, not forgive. He is better than the other, more cherish this affection.




     Love, has always been one of innumerable twists and turns. Never forsaken,never hurt, how to understand love? Love, the original is an experience, wish you a long life.




     I want to have a person so good to me, I love you more than you love me, I do not have any conditions you.



     6、这一生最重要的三个日子:世界上有你的那天,世界上有我的那天,“我” 和 “你”成为 “我们”的那一天。

     This life most important three days: have you in the world of that day, the world has me the other day, "I" and "you" become "we" of that day.




     Love is the best way to maintain: noisy quarrel bicker 'and' good 'in because everyquarrel with every good is to promote feelings! Often quarrel people are even able to said of a couple of people!




     Cherish the people in front, take good care of your love, don't let the details of beat of love, don't assume that everyone will be in place waiting






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