2018/3/3 每日意图





     Mark Gungor是婚姻与家庭方面深受欢迎的国际级演讲大师。在演讲中,Mark Gungor以幽默的方式分析了男女思维方式的迥异,提醒人们凡事多站在对方的角度上体验和思考,才能架起一座沟通的桥梁。


     We’re gonna start discussing men’s brains, women’s brains, and how they’re very different from each other. Now, I wanna start with men’s brains. Alright? Men’s brains are very unique. Men’s brains are made up of little boxes, and we have a box for everything. We got a box for the car. We got a box for the money. We got a box for the job. We got a box for you. We got a box for the kids. We got a box for your mother somewhere in the basement. We got boxes everywhere, and the rule is: the boxes don’t touch. When a man discusses a particular subject, we go to that particular box. We pull that box out. We open the box. We discuss only what is in that box. Alright? And then we close the box and put it away being very very careful, not to touch any other boxes.


     Now women’s brains are very, very different from men’s brains. Women’s brains are made up of a big ball of wire, and everything is connected to everything. The money’s connected to the car. The car’s connected to your job and the kids are connected… to your mother, and everything is connected to everything. It’s like the Internet super highway, OK? And it’s all driven by energy that we call emotion. It’s one of the reasons why women tend to remember everything. Because if you take an event and you connect it to an emotion.


     It burns in your memory and you can remember it forever. The same thing happens for men, it just doesn’t happen very often, because, quite frankly, we don’t care. Women tend to care about everything! And she just loves it…OK. Now men, we have a box in our brain that most women are not aware of. This particularly box has nothing in it… In fact, we call it the “nothing box”. And of all the boxes a man has in his brain, the nothing box is our favorite box! If a man has a chance, he’ll go to his nothing box every time. That’s why a man can do something seemingly completely brain-dead for hours on end. You know, like fishing.

     对于男人来说,我们大脑里有一个大部分女人都不知道的盒子。这个盒子里什么都没有,实际上,我们称之为“真空箱”。在所有盒子当中,“真空箱”是我们的最爱,每次只要一有空,男人就会钻进“真空箱”里。这也就解释了男人可以总是貌合神离的原因。你想,就像钓鱼(Pretending fishing) 。

     You know, they connected all the wires and stuff like that, marked the brain activity. Our brain is dead! Women can’t do it, they can’t do it, their minds never stop. And they don’t understand the nothing box… And it drives them crazy… Because nothing drives a woman more crazy or makes you more irritated than to witness a man doing nothing!


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