2016/7/21 4:37:40Vaccine 世界医疗科技资讯


     在一项新的研究中,来自加拿大麦克马斯特大学迈克尔-迪格鲁传染病研究所的研究人员开发出首个广泛保护性的衣原体疫苗。相关研究结果发表在2016年7月25日那期Vaccine期刊上,论文标题为“Immunization with chlamydial type III secretion antigens reduces vaginal shedding and prevents fallopian tube pathology following live C. muridarum challenge”。

     衣原体感染是一种常见的性传播感染(sexual transmitted infection, STI)疾病,而且它们当中的大多数是没有症状的,但是这种感染每年影响了全世界1.13亿人,能够导致不孕不育。

     在这项新的研究中,研究人员证实一种新的被称作BD584的衣原体抗原是最为常见的衣原体物种---沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia trachomatis)---的一种潜在的疫苗候选物。

     因为大多数沙眼衣原体感染是没有症状的,衣原体感染经常没有获得治疗,从而导致上生殖道感染、盆腔炎和不孕不育。论文第一作者David Bulir说,这就是为何开发出这样的疫苗将是非常有益的。



     在这项新的研究中,研究人员发现当在小鼠阴道内接种鼠型沙眼衣原体(Chlamydia muridarum)后,这些接种的小鼠在感染高峰期时的阴道衣原体脱落率降低了95%,而且要比对照小鼠更快地清除衣原体感染。此外,相比于对照小鼠,接种BD584也会将输卵管积水(hydrosalpinx)降低87.5%。

     论文通信作者、麦克马斯特大学迈克尔-迪格鲁传染病研究所病理学与分子医学教授James Mahony说,这些结果是非常有希望的。

     论文共同作者、麦克马斯特大学博士生Steven Liang解释道,“这种疫苗不仅是有效的,而且它有潜力对所有的沙眼衣原体菌株产生广泛的保护性。”





     Immunization with chlamydial type III secretion antigens reduces vaginal shedding and prevents fallopian tube pathology following live C. muridarum challenge David C. Bulir, Steven Lianga, c, 1, Amanda Leec, Sylvia Chongc, Elizabeth Simmsc, Christopher Stonec, Charu Kaushica, b, Ali Ashkara, b, James B. Mahony




     Chlamydia trachomatis infections in women are often asymptomatic and if left untreated can lead to significant late sequelae including pelvic inflammatory disease and tubal factor infertility. Vaccine development efforts over the past three decades have been unproductive and there is no vaccine approved for use in humans. The existence of serologically distinct strains or serovars of C. trachomatis mandates a vaccine that will provide protection against multiple serovars. Chlamydia spp. use a highly conserved type III secretion system (T3SS) composed of both structural and effector proteins which is an essential virulence factor for infection and intracellular replication. In this study we evaluated a novel fusion protein antigen (BD584) which consists of three T3SS proteins from C. trachomatis (CopB, CopD, and CT584) as a potential chlamydial vaccine candidate. Intranasal immunization with BD584 elicited serum neutralizing antibodies that inhibited C. trachomatis infection in vitro. Following intravaginal challenge with C. muridarum, immunized mice had a 95% reduction in chlamydial shedding from the vagina at the peak of infection and cleared the infection sooner than control mice. Immunization with BD584 also reduced the rate of hydrosalpinx by 87.5% compared to control mice. Together, these results suggest that highly conserved proteins of the chlamydial T3SS may represent good candidates for a Chlamydia vaccine.


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