2015/3/2 创新医学网



     未来二十年在生物和医疗方面的创新,会让人们的生活质量和健康状况得到前所未有的提高。《广告时代》推荐在2014年重点关注的十大Agency之一Sparks & Honey关注各行各业的新发展,它在最近的一份报告中纵览了未来医疗的趋势,Fast Company 提炼了其中的四个亮点:







     或许有一天,我们能给自己配备新的身体部件,就像Google Ara Project的手机那样。








     4 Crazy Predictions For The Future Of Health Care:Human Augmentation,Hacked DNA,And More

     Look across all the research and innovation taking place in biology and medicine now, and you can only imagine what health care could be like in 20 years. From implantable sensors to bionic exoskeletons, gene sequencing and precision drugs, we're in for some big (and mostly positive) changes—potentially.

     In a new report, trend-scanning shop Sparks & Honey gives us a health care tour d'horizon. It's a useful summary, and we picked out a few ideas below.


     In the near future, we'll be able to do a lot of basic health care for ourselves. We'll have apps and devices like Fitbit for our general wellness; household equipment like smart thermometers, digital stethoscopes, and the like, for tracking our vital signs; and even diagnostic kits for serious disease, like this EU-funded SniffPhone that diagnoses cancer.

     "[Some of these technologies] are to the point that you don't you don't need a full diagnostic center anymore," says Nick Ayala, cultural strategist at Sparks & Honey. "You can have that right on your phone with the attachments."

     Remote monitoring should mean fewer visits to clinics and better conversations with doctors (as they can also access information you've been gathering). The question for formal health care is how to manage data from patients (ensuring it's accurate, understanding its context, and applying it effectively).


     We entering an age of human augmentation. Prosthetic limbs are becoming cheaper, more sophisticated, and better integrated with the human body. Amputees can now control limbs with their thoughts, as Johns Hopkins University showed recently. Bionic exoskeletal suits are in development that allow people to walk again, and could be adopted by able-bodied people as well. At the same time, we're developing the ability to grow or print skin, bone, and organs, so one day we could supplement ourselves with new parts.


     As we sequence individual genomes, map the brain and understand our microbiomes, we're deepening what we know about the "minutiae of the human body" such that we can start "to manipulate and control our health at the most minute levels," the report says. That could mean everything from new probiotic foods to designing babies without genetic flaws.


     With more person-specific data available, treatment will become more individual and less "one size fits all." Doctors will prescribe drug cocktails to fit microbial and genetic profiles, have a better understanding of drug effectiveness over time, and more predictive power so that treatments aren't conducted unnecessarily.

     Meanwhile, also on the horizon are nano-drugs and medical devices, such as Google's futuristic pills to detect cancer and other micro-machines that locate disease and drop drug payloads where needed. Other potential big developments include "organs on chips" that reduce the need for animal testing and the length of human clinical trials, Sparks & Honey says.

     "There are a ton of things happening in health right now. It's incredibly exciting. It's where sci-fi becomes real life," says Ayala.

     原文来源:Fast Company

     原文作者:BEN SCHILLER

     Ben Schiller is a New York-based staff writer for Co.Exist, and also contributes to the FT and Yale e360. He used to edit a European management magazine, and worked as a reporter in San Francisco, Prague and Brussels.




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