2017/11/21 创新医学网



     文章来源:欧尔意 OAE 微信号




     Maitland NJ. Getting closer to prostate cancer in patients - what scientists should want from clinicians. J Cancer MetastasisTreat 2017;3:262-70.

     DOI: 10.20517/2394-4722.2017.23

     摘 要

     对于研究前列腺癌药物开发的科学家来说,适当的离体或体外模型系统是至关重要的。癌症研究一般包括:(1)找到阻止快速生长的癌细胞的方法; 或(2)(作为折衷)减缓细胞过度生长速度; 或在最好的情况下(3)杀死癌细胞,同时保护周围正常组织。随着对癌细胞生物学性质认识的提高,越来越明显的是,这种对癌症治疗发展或诊断的过分简单化的态度很快就过时了,临床和实验室研究之间的密切联系比以往更加重要,作者试图瞄准特定的基因表达途径,特定的信号传导途径,癌症特异性突变以及癌细胞与其微环境之间的相互作用,所有这些都为新的治疗发展提供了巨大的潜力。


     For scientists pursuing drug development for prostate cancer, it is critical that an appropriate ex vivo or in vitro model system is available for study. Cancer research has generally consisted of: (1) finding the means to arrest fast growing cancer cells; or (2) (as a compromise) to slow down the excessive rate of cell growth; or in the best case (3) to kill the cancer cells whilst sparing the surrounding normal tissues.As the knowledge of the biological nature of the cancer cell improves, it has become increasingly apparent that such a simplistic attitude to cancer therapy development or indeed diagnosis is rapidly outdated, and a closer liaison between the clinic and the laboratory studies is more important than ever as the author seeks to target specific gene expression pathways, specific signaling pathways, cancer specific mutations and indeed the interactions between cancer cells and their micro-environment, all of which provide a tremendous potential for novel therapeutic development.

     Keywords:Prostate cancer treatments, model systems, primary cultures, pre-clinical studies


     本文是专题“How does the prostate cancer microenvironment affect the metastatic process and/or treatment outcome?”里的一篇文章,了解更多此专题文章,请复制链接http://jcmtjournal.com/journal/section/143到浏览器中阅读。


     Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment旨在分享癌症转移与治疗方面的最新研究,为该领域的研究学者和临床医生提供一个国际性学术交流平台。自2015年4月创刊以来,期刊读者遍布全球167个国家和地区,已在线发表文章136篇。诚挚欢迎您投稿!如有任何问题,请联系我们:editorialoffice@jcmtjournal.com。

     中文摘要内容由OAE Publishing Inc. 北京办公室负责翻译。中文内容仅供参考,一切内容以英文原版为准。

     * 文章转载已获欧尔意 OAE 微信号授权









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