2017/10/19 医学界风湿免疫频道


     作者 |Miranda-Hernández D

     翻译 | 北医三院王琪(409671458@qq.com)

     来源 | 中国风湿病公众论坛


     这篇研究的目的是评估血液系统表现对于系统性红斑狼疮患者院内死亡率的影响。我们选取了2009年1月至2014年12月在一家医疗转诊中心的住院患者进行病例对照研究。比较了具有活动性血液系统表现的SLE病人(n=103)与具有其他活动性表现或治疗并发症的SLE病人(n=209),将院内死亡率作为结局变量,分析可能影响结局的相关因素。最常见的血液系统表现是血小板减少(63.1%),其次是溶血性贫血(30%)和白细胞减少(25.2%)。存在血液系统表现的病人与对照组死亡人数分别为17(16.5%),10(4.8%)(p<0.001)。两组死亡原因相似。通过对变量的分析,发现血液系统系统表现与院内死亡率相关(OR 0.87,95%CI 1.8-00,P<0.001)。我们的研究显示任何活动性血液系统表现与不良预后相关,并造成院内死亡率升高。


     The aim of this study was to estimate the impact of the haematological manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) on mortality in hospitalized patients.

     For that purpose a case-control study of hospitalized patients in a medical referral centre from January 2009 to December 2014 was performed. For analysis, patients hospitalized for any haematological activity of SLE ( n?=?103) were compared with patients hospitalized for other manifestations of SLE activity or complications of treatment ( n?=?206).

     Taking as a variable outcome hospital death, an analysis of potential associated factors was performed. The most common haematological manifestation was thrombocytopenia (63.1%), followed by haemolyticanaemia (30%) and neutropenia (25.2%).

     In the group of haematological manifestations, 17 (16.5%) deaths were observed compared to 10 (4.8%) deaths in the control group ( P?
     In the analysis of the variables, it was found that only haematological manifestations were associated with intra-hospital death (odds ratio 3.87, 95% confidence interval 1.8-88, P?
     Our study suggests that apparently any manifestation of haematological activity of SLE is associated with poor prognosis and contributes to increased hospital mortality.


     Miranda-Hernández D et al, Active haematological manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus lupus are associated with a high rate of in-hospital mortality. Lupus. 2017 May;26(6):640-645. doi: 10.1177/0961203316672926. Epub 2016 Oct 18.



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