【学术交流】Cosmology and Astrophysics with the cosmic web
2019/1/4 16:03:21 中国科学院紫金山天文台

     报告题目:Cosmology and Astrophysics with the cosmic web

     报告人:Dr Cai Yanchuan,The University of Edinburgh

     摘要:On large scales, the matter distribution of the Universe follows a web-like pattern, consisting of cluster, filament, sheet and void. The cosmic-web contains invaluable information about cosmology and provides the environment for galaxy formation. It is the junction where cosmology and astrophysics meet. I will summarize recent research activities in this area, using the following examples: (1) dynamical analysis and gravitational redshift around galaxy clusters; (2) detection of gas filament and missing baryons; (3) cosmology with cosmic voids.





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