2022/10/26 17:53:08 中国医药教育协会肿瘤放疗专委会







































     附 ANZMTG 01.02/TROG 02.01英文摘要

     Adjuvant lymph-node field radiotherapy versus observation only in patients with melanoma at high risk of further lymph-node fi eld relapse after lymphadenectomy (ANZMTG 01.02/TROG 02.01): 6-year follow-up of a phase 3, randomised controlled trial

     Background:Adjuvant radiotherapy is recommended for patients with melanoma after lymphadenectomy. We previously showed this treatment reduced risk of repeat lymph-node fi eld cancer in patients with a high risk of recurrence but had no eff ect on overall survival. Here, we aim to update the relapse and survival data from that trial and assess quality of life and toxic eff ects.







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