2018/6/27 12:00:00 丁香园


     这里是丁香园「医周一句 · Clinical Pearls」栏目的第 45 期。今天想跟大家聊聊最近全民关注的世界杯。

     2018 世界杯正在俄罗斯如火如荼的进行,最近的比赛简直是让人「心脏病」都要犯了,买足彩的球迷纷纷表示「赌球反着买,别墅靠大海」!


     在著名医学杂志 The New England Journal of Medicine (新英格兰)上面曾发表过一篇文章,几个德国医生发现,在世界杯期间,心血管事件明显提升。


     The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) World Cup, held in Germany from June 9 to July 9, 2006, provided an opportunity to examine the relation between emotional stress and the incidence of cardiovascular events.

     Our results show a strong and significant increase in the incidence of cardiovascular events (including the acute coronary syndrome and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmia), in a defined sample of the German population, in association with matches involving the German team during the FIFA World Cup held in Germany in 2006.

     Since the incidence ratios were close to 1 for the days around the German matches, it is clear that watching an important soccer match, which can be associated with intense emotional stress, triggers the acute coronary syndrome and symptomatic cardiac arrhythmia.

     在这项纳入了 4279 名德国人的临床研究当中,研究者发现,在 2006 年德国世界杯期间,在观看有德国队参与比赛的 7 天之内,急性心血管事件的发生率提高了 2.66 倍,而其中 ST 抬高型心肌梗死的发生率提高了 2.49 倍,非 ST 抬高型心肌梗死的发生率提高了 2.61 倍!


     06 年的世界杯德国人看到德国队比赛就这么激动,那今年的世界杯,德国的心血管事件发生率不是得……默默心疼德国……希望大家还是要佛性看球……


     昨天公布的最新 2018 sci 影响因子中,新英格兰 IF 突破 79.26 分!回到今天的主题,当别人都在世界杯看球的时候有的医生在世界杯期间发了新英格兰!同志们还不快点找课题发文章吗!(责任编辑:joy)



     UteWilbert-Lampen, David Leistner, Sonja Greven, et al. Cardiovascular Eventsduring World Cup Soccer[J]. New Engl J Med. 2008

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