2019/2/21 7:43:32学术经纬 学术经纬



     The Jawaheer Lab at the UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (www.chori.org) is interested in transcriptome and epigenetic changes that occur during pregnancy and how those can influence autoimmune disease. We are seeking a highly motivated and creative postdoctoral fellow to examine changes in coding and non-coding RNA patterns over time (based on RNA-seq data) in the context of human pregnancy and autoimmune disease. The successful applicant will perform original research in computational biology, assessing computational methods and developing/implementing analytical pipelines to infer underlying molecular mechanisms. He/She will take a lead in the project management, data analysis and interpretation of results within the context of the biological problem being investigated, and will collaborate with other team members. The ideal candidate is expected to report the scientific results by writing scientific papers and effectively communicate with peers.

     Job Requirements:

     Applicants must have a Ph.D. in bioinformatics, computational biology, statistics, human genetics or related field, and a sound understanding of both biology and data science. Must be proficient in statistical and programming languages such as R and Python, and familiar with Linux and high performance computing. Preference will be given to candidates with prior experience in analyses of RNA-seq data, other omics data, co-expression analyses, and with a thorough understanding of biological systems. Strong problem solving abilities and excellent verbal and written communication skills are required.

     How to Apply:

     Please email cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names and contact info of three references to: Damini Jawaheer, Ph.D. (djawaheer@chori.org).


     Greater Bay Area, Peninsula, California



     抗癌疫苗 | 癌症地图 | KRAS | 酒精 | CAR-T 2.0 | 单细胞CAR-T | 外泌体 | 白血病免疫疗法 | 膳食纤维与肝癌 | 中年危机 | 液体活检 | 化疗与癌症转移 | 抽烟喝酒要不得 | 癌症转移 | 癌细胞变脂肪 | 自噬反应


     大脑逻辑 | 母爱 | 脑细胞 | 阿兹海默病血检 | 孤独 | 可乐 | 生酮饮食 | 阿兹海默病毒假说 | 大脑抗衰老 | 麦克阿瑟天才奖 | APP蛋白 | 畅游大脑 | 细菌感染假说 | 睡眠与心血管疾病


     膳食纤维 | 人工智能 | 耐寒 | 维生素D | 脂肪治疗 | 细菌耐药 | 性别逆转 | 延年益寿 | 细胞分裂 | 减肥新方 | 单染色体酵母 | 吃不胖的方法 | 精准医学 | 单性生殖 | 胚胎发育 | 基因疗法 | 蚊子吃减肥药 | AI医生




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