得克萨斯大学MD Anderson癌症中心招聘博士后,需免疫学背景
2019/2/28 18:59:20学术经纬 学术经纬



     A postdoctoral fellow position is available in Department of Immunology.

     Our research is to understand the molecular basis of T cell mediated immune responses, and how abnormal immune regulation leads to immunodeficiency, autoimmunity and cancer. Autoimmunity and inflammation mouse models include experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), colitis, and lung airway inflammation; tumor immunity models include T cell-mediated immune responses against transplanted melanoma, chemical induced sarcoma, and lung cancer.

     A postdoctoral fellow would be involved in the research in the following projects:

     The molecular mechanisms of T cell activation and tolerance;

     The signaling and transcriptional mechanisms underlying T helper cell differentiation and function.

     Candidates should have a recent Ph.D. degree or in the process of completing Ph.D. training and a solid background in Immunology, with preferred hand-on experience in flow cytometry, molecular techniques, and mouse models of autoimmunity and/or anti-tumor immunity.

     Send curriculum vitae and names of three references to: Dr. Roza Nurieva, Department of Immunology, E-mail: rnurieva@mdanderson.org.



     抗癌疫苗 | 癌症地图 | KRAS | 酒精 | CAR-T 2.0 | 单细胞CAR-T | 外泌体 | 白血病免疫疗法 | 膳食纤维与肝癌 | 中年危机 | 液体活检 | 化疗与癌症转移 | 抽烟喝酒要不得 | 癌症转移 | 癌细胞变脂肪 | 自噬反应


     大脑逻辑 | 母爱 | 脑细胞 | 阿兹海默病血检 | 孤独 | 可乐 | 生酮饮食 | 阿兹海默病毒假说 | 大脑抗衰老 | 麦克阿瑟天才奖 | APP蛋白 | 畅游大脑 | 细菌感染假说 | 睡眠与心血管疾病


     膳食纤维 | 人工智能 | 耐寒 | 维生素D | 脂肪治疗 | 细菌耐药 | 性别逆转 | 延年益寿 | 细胞分裂 | 减肥新方 | 单染色体酵母 | 吃不胖的方法 | 精准医学 | 单性生殖 | 胚胎发育 | 基因疗法 | 蚊子吃减肥药 | AI医生 |长寿天然分子 | 细胞排除废物




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