【Daily Stat】暴力比金融危机更烧钱
2014/8/14 哈佛商业评论

     智库经济与和平研究所(Institute for Economics and Peace,简称IEP)的研究报告指出,制造各种形式的暴力,继而利用手段平定骚乱或进行镇压的做法,仅在2012年就花费了世界人民9.46万亿美元,相当于全球生产总值的11%。相比之下,2009年爆发的金融危机仅耗费全球总产值的0.5%(source:Talia Hagerty,Pacific Standard杂志)。此外,IEP公布了维系和平的八个支柱,包括:良好运行的政府,合理的资源配置,自由流动的信息,健全的商业环境,高质量(比如教育与健康程度)的人才储备,对他人权益的认可,低腐败率,以及与邻国的良好关系。听起来有些乌托邦,不是吗? (康欣叶/编译)

     Creating violence of various kinds and then attempting to contain and quell it cost the world $9.46 trillion in 2012, according to research by the Institute for Economics and Peace. That’s 11% of gross world product. By contrast, the recent financial crisis cost just 0.5% of 2009 global output, Talia Hagerty writes on Pacific Standard. The IEP has posited eight “pillars” that support peace: a well functioning government, equitable distribution of resources, free flow of information, a sound business environment, a high level of human capital from factors such as education and health, acceptance of the rights of others, low levels of corruption, and good relations with neighbors.

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