【Daily Stat】无能管理者不善于纳言
2014/8/19 哈佛商业评论

     Andrew O’Connell |文

     在一次角色扮演实验中,那些扮演无能管理者的受试者更容易贬低扮演直言提出意见和新计划的员工。这一实验由南加州大学Nathanael Fast领导的团队进行。和有自信胜任职责的管理者相比,那些自认工作无法达标的管理者对员工的评价更消极。研究者表示,无能管理者会觉得员工建议对其个人产生威胁,因此会出现不愿意接纳意见、新想法的迹象。(刘铮筝|编译)

     Incompetent Managers Don’t Want to Hear Your Ideas

     In an experimental role-playing scenario, “managers” who were primed to feel incompetent were more likely to denigrate the competence of an “employee” who spoke up and proposed a new operational plan, according to a team led by Nathanael J. Fast of the University of Southern California. The managers who felt unable to fulfill their job expectations rated the employee more negatively than did those who were primed to feel competent. Incompetent managers who are personally threatened by employee suggestions send signals that they are unreceptive, shutting off avenues of new ideas, the researchers say.

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