2018/7/26 11:21:12 中科院理论物理所

     Contributions of repulsive and attractive interactions to orientational order in liquid crystals

     16:00 Jul. 31, 2018


     Uppsala University

     14:00, Aug.1, 2018

     USES of String Field Theory


     Taejin Lee

     Department of Physics, Kangwon National University

     10:00, Aug.3, 2018

     I will introduce the covariant string field theories and the Polyakov string path integrals in the proper-time gauge. In the proper-time gauge, the string path integral can be written as integrals over the proper-times in a way similar to the Schwinger's proper time representation of Feynman integrals of quantum field theory. For this reason, it becomes feasible in the proper-time gauge to identify the field theoretical expressions of the string path integrals which depict multiple string scatterings. I will discuss the four-massless-particle scattering amplitude in open string theory and the four-graviton scattering amplitude in the closed string theory. The covariant string field theories are useful to study the ultraviolet behavior and the entanglement entropy of strings which are quite different from their counterparts of point particles.

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