2018/1/3 每日意图





     Let us hurry

     Let us hurry to love people they depart so quickly

     Leaving only their shoes and silence on the phone

     Only what is unimportant tends to drag like a cow

     The most important is so fast that happens in split-second

     Silence that follows - normal and unbearable

     Is like a clarity born straight from despair

     When we think about someone who is no longer with us

     Please do not be so certain that there is still time left

     For certainty happens to be most uncertain

     It takes away our sensitivity along with happiness

     And comes concurrently like pathos and humour

     Just like two different passions yet not as strong as one

     Tend to die down so quickly, like thrush song in July

     Like a sound somewhat clumsy or a vacuous bow

     They have to close their eyes in order to truly see

     And even though to be born is a greater risk than to die

     We love still to little and always to late

     Do not write about it too often but write once and for all

     And you will become like a dolphin both gentle and strong

     Let us hurry to love people, they depart so quickly

     And those who are not, will not always return

     And you never know while speaking of love

     Is the first one last, or the last one first.

     (translated by Pawel Maciejewski)

     作者 / 特瓦尔多夫斯基

     译者 / 泅渡

     题图 / esse Rieser

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