2017/9/24 23:05:23 医学人文研究



     【主讲人】Garland Allen,华盛顿大学(圣路易斯)生物系荣休教授

     【地 点】北京大学医学部逸夫楼620会议室


     【题 目】摩尔根与“孟德尔-染色体理论”的建构

     【时 间】2017年9月25日(周一)9:00-11:00



     【题 目】优生学与环境保护运动

     【时 间】2017年9月25日(周一)12:30-14:00

     【主持人】陈 琦(北京大学医学史研究中心)

     主讲人简介:Professor Garland E. Allen's research interests are in the area of history and philosophy of biology - particularly genetics, embryology, and evolution - and their interrelationships between 1880 and 1950. This work focuses particularly in the early development of the Mendelian-chromosome theory as formulated in the work of T.H. Morgan and his group at Columbia University and later at the California Institute of Technology. Growing out of this work have been a series of studies of the scientific, economic, and social history of "eugenics" (defined in the early part of the century as "the science of human improvement through better breeding"). The history of eugenics provides a number of insights into the interrelationships between science and its social context, and raises many issues of ethical, legal, and social importance that are surfacing today in the midst of the Human Genome Project.




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