2023/4/8 20:04:35 科学网
编译 | 李言
Nature, 6 April 2023, Volume 616 Issue 7955

Beating the break-even point with a discrete-variable-encoded logical qubit
▲ 作者:Zhongchu Ni, Sai Li, Xiaowei Deng, Yanyan Cai et al.
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▲ 摘要:
通过将具有定制频率梳的脉冲应用于辅助量子位,我们可以重复地高保真地提取错误综合征,并相应地使用反馈控制进行错误校正,从而超过盈亏平衡点 16%。我们的工作展示了高效的离散变量编码在容错量子计算中的潜力。
▲ Abstract:
Here we demonstrate a QEC procedure in a circuit quantum electrodynamics architecture, where the logical qubit is binomially encoded in photon-number states of a microwave cavity, dispersively coupled to an auxiliary superconducting qubit. By applying a pulse featuring a tailored frequency comb to the auxiliary qubit, we can repetitively extract the error syndrome with high fidelity and perform error correction with feedback control accordingly, thereby exceeding the break-even point by about 16% lifetime enhancement. Our work illustrates the potential of hardware-efficient discrete-variable encodings for fault-tolerant quantum computation.
材料科学Material science
Deforming lanthanum trihydride for superionic conduction
▲ 作者:Weijin Zhang, Jirong Cui, Shangshang Wang, Hujun Cao, Anan Wu, Yuanhua Xia, Qike Jiang, Jianping Guo, Teng He & Ping Chen
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▲ 摘要:
这使得氢化镧成为在?40°C的条件下、氢负离子电导率高达10?2?S/?cm?1,活化能仅为0.12 eV的超离子导体。由此,我们也展示了一种室温全固态氢化物电池。
▲ Abstract:
With strong reducibility and high redox potential, the hydride ion (H?) is a reactive hydrogen species and an energy carrier. Here we show that by creating nanosized grains and defects in the lattice, the electronic conductivity of LaHx can be suppressed by more than five orders of magnitude. This transforms LaHx to a superionic conductor at ?40?°C with a record high H? conductivity of 1.0?×?10?2?S?cm?1 and a low diffusion barrier of 0.12?eV. A room-temperature all-solid-state hydride cell is demonstrated.
Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moiré Kondo lattice
▲ 作者:Wenjin Zhao, Bowen Shen et al.
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▲ 摘要:
在此,我们报告了在AB -堆叠的MoTe2/WSe2 moiré双分子层中合成近藤晶格的实现,其中MoTe2层被调谐到Mott绝缘状态,支持局部矩的三角形moiré晶格,WSe2层中掺杂了漫游传导载流子。
▲ Abstract:
Here we report the realization of a synthetic Kondo lattice in AB-stacked MoTe2/WSe2 moiré bilayers, in which the MoTe2 layer is tuned to a Mott insulating state, supporting a triangular moiré lattice of local moments, and the WSe2 layer is doped with itinerant conduction carriers. We observe heavy fermions with a large Fermi surface below the Kondo temperature. We also observe the destruction of the heavy fermions by an external magnetic field with an abrupt decrease in the Fermi surface size and quasi-particle mass. We further demonstrate widely and continuously gate-tunable Kondo temperatures through either the itinerant carrier density or the Kondo interaction. Our study opens the possibility of in situ access to the phase diagram of the Kondo lattice with exotic quantum criticalities in a single device based on semiconductor moiré materials.
地球科学Earth Science
Lunar eclipses illuminate timing and climate impact of medieval volcanism
▲ 作者:Sébastien Guillet, Christophe Corona, Clive Oppenheimer et al.
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract:
Here we shed new light on explosive volcanism during the HMP, drawing on analysis of contemporary reports of total lunar eclipses, from which we derive a time series of stratospheric turbidity. By combining this new record with aerosol model simulations and tree-ring-based climate proxies, we refine the estimated dates of five notable eruptions and associate each with stratospheric aerosol veils. Five further eruptions, including one responsible for high sulfur deposition over Greenland circa 1182?CE, affected only the troposphere and had muted climatic consequences. Our findings offer support for further investigation of the decadal-scale to centennial-scale climate response to volcanic eruptions.
Ageing threatens sustainability of smallholder farming in China
▲ 作者:Chenchen Ren, Xinyue Zhou, Chen Wang, Yaolin Guo, Yu Diao, Sisi Shen, Stefan Reis, Wanyue Li, Jianming Xu & Baojing Gu
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract:
Here, by using data from more than 15,000 rural households with crops but no livestock across China, we show that rural population ageing reduced farm size by 4% through transferring cropland ownership and land abandonment (approximately 4 million hectares) in 2019, taking the population age structure in 1990 as a benchmark. These changes led to a reduction of agricultural inputs, including chemical fertilizers, manure and machinery, which decreased agricultural output and labour productivity by 5% and 4%, respectively, further lowering farmers’ income by 15%. Meanwhile, fertilizer loss increased by 3%, resulting in higher pollutant emissions to the environment. In new farming models, such as cooperative farming, farms tend to be larger and operated by younger farmers, who have a higher average education level, hence improving agricultural management. By encouraging the transition to new farming models, the negative consequences of ageing can be reversed. Agricultural input, farm size and farmer’s income would grow by approximately 14%, 20% and 26%, respectively, and fertilizer loss would reduce by 4% in 2100 compared with that in 2020. This suggests that management of rural ageing will contribute to a comprehensive transformation of smallholder farming to sustainable agriculture in China.
Four ways blue foods can help achieve food system ambitions across nations
▲ 作者:Beatrice I. Crona, Emmy Wassénius, Malin Jonell et al.
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract:
Here we integrate these findings and translate them into four policy objectives to help realize the contributions that blue foods can make to national food systems around the world: ensuring supplies of critical nutrients, providing healthy alternatives to terrestrial meat, reducing dietary environmental footprints and safeguarding blue food contributions to nutrition, just economies and livelihoods under a changing climate. To account for how context-specific environmental, socio-economic and cultural aspects affect this contribution, we assess the relevance of each policy objective for individual countries, and examine associated co-benefits and trade-offs at national and international scales. We find that in many African and South American nations, facilitating consumption of culturally relevant blue food, especially among nutritionally vulnerable population segments, could address vitamin B12 and omega-3 deficiencies. Meanwhile, in many global North nations, cardiovascular disease rates and large greenhouse gas footprints from ruminant meat intake could be lowered through moderate consumption of seafood with low environmental impact.
编辑 | 方圆
排版 | 郭刚

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