2016/7/30 5:10:20 世界医疗科技资讯




     研究人员还说,甚至有的病人可以恢复病情。这个药物的发明者为阿伯丁大学的Claude Wischik教授,他说这个惊人的发现可以让他明年申请一个药物专利。

     如果一切顺利的话,他的团队希望这个药物可以在三四年内进入NHS(英国国民医疗保健体系)。 这个突破是老年痴呆历史上一个重大里程碑。但是,他们也很担心,因为实验结果中只有15%的研究数据可以进行分析。学者们表示,这个突破性结果是很有研究前景的,但是需要更多的研究来证实LMTX的有效性。








     但其他人却怀疑他的研究,他们说他的药物在最新测验中,只测试了135个人。样本容量过低。英国老年痴呆症研究首席科学官David Reynolds博士说:“显然,我们需要更多的研究来了解LMTX的机理,以及LMTX对于阿尔茨海默症有多少益处。”

     阿尔茨海默氏症协会的研究主任Doug Brown博士说:“这个新的治疗方法在未来大展宏图之前我们还有很多问题要回答---为什么它在那些服用其他药物治疗阿尔茨海默病的人身上没有疗效呢?经过多年的失败,我们现在已经看到老年痴呆症药物试验希望的曙光,有一天老年痴呆症的进行轨道终将被停止。”


     Revolutionary twice-daily pill can slow the progress of Alzheimer's and even trigger 'extraordinary recoveries'LMTX slows the rate at which the brain shrinks in dementia patients

     The drug targets ‘tangles’ of proteins that destroy nerve cells in the brain

     Existing drugs for dementia simply address the symptoms of the disease

     Scientists say it could become available on the NHS within three years

     By Ben Spencer Medical Correspondent In Toronto For The Daily Mail

     Published: 12:00 GMT, 27 July 2016 | Updated: 08:02 GMT, 28 July 2016

     Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-3710610/Revolutionary-new-pill-slow-progess-Alzheimer-s.html#ixzz4FpkYfh3j

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     A breakthrough drug could slow the progress of Alzheimer’s disease, experts claim.

     Scientists say they have been able to significantly slow the rate of mental decline in patients who took the twice-daily pill.

     The drug, called LMTX, even slows the rate at which the brain shrinks in dementia patients, according to results presented at the world’s largest Alzheimer’s conference.

     In some cases, patients have shown extraordinary recoveries, the researchers said.

     The drug’s inventor, Professor Claude Wischik of Aberdeen University, said the ‘remarkable results’ will allow him to apply for a drugs licence as soon as next year.

     If all goes well, the pill could be available on the NHS within three or four years, his team hopes.

     Experts last night said the breakthrough represented a ‘significant event in the history of dementia’.

     But they are cautious, pointing to failures in the trial process that meant only 15 per cent of the results could actually be used.

     Academics said the results certainly showed promise – but called for further trials to prove that LMTX works as well as the early results suggest.

     The findings, presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Toronto, raise hopes of the first real treatment for the disease, which affects 500,000 people in Britain.




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