J Mol Med:新型血液检测手段提前诊断1型糖尿病
2015/7/13 创新医学网




     近日,发表于国际杂志Journal of Molecular Medicine上的一项研究报告中,来自伦敦帝国理工学院的研究人员通过研究,首次在患早期1型糖尿病患者的机体血液中发现了一种循环的特殊小分子,同时研究者还开发出了一种新型的简单血液检测手段,该技术可以在患者症状并未发生之前就可以对患者机体中的生物标志物进行检测。

     研究者Mathieu Latreille说道,如果我们可以鉴别并且早日治疗患者,那么我们或许就可以帮助其避免二次并发症的发生,最终或将有效改善患者的健康;当前医生们对1型糖尿病的诊断依赖于患者所出现的症状,即口渴、体重减轻、视力模糊等,但当机体免疫系统错误地将胰腺细胞视为病原体进行攻击时,患者机体的损伤实际上早已经开始了,机体免疫系统会攻击并且破坏胰岛细胞,引发胰腺失去产生胰岛素的能力,从而使得血糖失去控制。




     miR-375 gene dosage in pancreatic β-cells: implications for regulation of β-cell mass and biomarker development

     Mathieu Latreille, Karolin Herrmanns, Neil Renwick, Thomas Tuschl, Maciej T. Malecki, Mark I. McCarthy, Katharine R. Owen, Thomas Rülicke, Markus Stoffel

     MicroRNAs play a crucial role in the regulation of cell growth and differentiation. Mice with genetic deletion of miR-375 exhibit impaired glycemic control due to decreased β-cell and increased α-cell mass and function. The relative importance of these processes for the overall phenotype of miR-375KO mice is unknown. Here, we show that mice overexpressing miR-375 exhibit normal β-cell mass and function. Selective re-expression of miR-375 in β-cells of miR-375KO mice normalizes both, α- and β-cell phenotypes as well as glucose metabolism. Using this model, we also analyzed the contribution of β-cells to the total plasma miR-375 levels. Only a small proportion (≈1 %) of circulating miR-375 originates from β-cells. Furthermore, acute and profound β-cell destruction is sufficient to detect elevations of miR-375 levels in the blood. These findings are supported by higher miR-375 levels in the circulation of type 1 diabetes (T1D) subjects but not mature onset diabetes of the young (MODY) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients. Together, our data support an essential role for miR-375 in the maintenance of β-cell mass and provide in vivo evidence for release of miRNAs from pancreatic β-cells. The small contribution of β-cells to total plasma miR-375 levels make this miRNA an unlikely biomarker for β-cell function but suggests a utility for the detection of acute β-cell death for autoimmune diabetes.(来源:生物谷)












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